I have been such a bad blogger lately! I have made cards but I just haven't had time to blog them (anyone got a couple of extra hours to sell to me, anyone..?). As a way of an apology I have not one, but three cards to show you this time. A co-worker of mine asked me to make a baby card for a baby girl, so I made three of them for her to choose from.
Tämä ensimmäinen kuuluu mielestäni "vähemmän on enemmän" -kastiin. Korttipohjan tein Bazzillin valkoisesta kartongista, vaaleanpunainen kartonki on myös Bazzillia. Leima on Hero Artsin ihana Baby footprints. Koristeena on vain leveä satiininauha.
This first card belongs to the "less is more" category. I made the card blank from Bazzill's white cardstock, and the pink cardstock is Bazzill's as well. The adorable rubber stamp is called Baby footprints by Hero Arts and the only embellishment is the wide satin ribbon.

Seuraavan kortin söpöinen leimasin on Marianne Designin Eline's babies. Paperi on BasicGreytä ja kuvioreuna leikattu Martha Stewartin boordileikkurilla. Lisäksi sydännappeja ja valkoista fun flockia vauvan tyynyssä - pitäähän sitä nyt pehmeä tyyny olla... :) Osallistun tällä kortilla tämänviikkoiseen P*skarteluhaasteeseen, jossa teemana on napit.
The cute stamp in this next one is Marianne Design's Eline's babies. The paper is by BasicGrey and I decorated the edge by punching it with Martha Stewart's border punch. Then I added some heart shaped buttons and some white fun flock to her pillow - one has to have a fluffy pillow, right? :) I submit this card to the P*skarteluhaaste (a Finnish challenge blog), the challenge this time is to use buttons.

Tästä viimeisestä kortista tuli minulle mieluisin. Leimasin on ihana Sunday Internationalin Sleeping baby, paperi BasicGreytä. Lisäksi hieman pitsiä, itsetehty korupiikki ja paperikukkia (ne eivät ole oikeasti niin ärhäkän vaaleanpunaisia kuin kuvassa vaan sopivat paremmin kokonaisuuteen). Ja koska tämä kortti on oma lempparini, osallistun sillä Stampin' for the weekend -haasteblogin haasteeseen nro 13 - aiheena vauvateema!
I think I like this last card the best. The stamp is Sunday International's adorable Sleeping baby, the paper is by BasicGrey. I added some lace, a self-made pin and paper flowers to it (the paper flowers aren't so pink in real life, they do match the card better than the picture shows). And this being my favourite of these three baby cards, I submit it to the Stampin' for the weekend challenge number 13 - the challenge is to do something baby themed.

Vaaleanpunaista ja vauvaista siis tällä kertaa. Mukavaa loppuviikkoa ja kiitos, kun kävit! :)
It was all pink and babies this time. Hope the rest of your week treats you nicely! Thanks for your visit! :)