Some time ago I voted my favourite card on Laura's blog and to my surprise I won Odd bird planet's stamp Kelly's tree and a sheet of Pink Paislee alphabet stickers that Laura was giving away. These cuties arrived this past week and as soon as I saw the rubber stamp I knew I had to make these cards. This time I used DCWV's paper and blue/green Bazzill's Dotted cardstock. I also used some brown scrapper's floss, a green heart embellishment and made the text with a Dymo.

The text says "Friends don't grow on trees" and on the inside I wrote "they grown in our hearts".
Kiitos ihanasta yllätyksestä, Laura! :) Olen tehnyt muutaman muunkin kortin viikonlopun aikana mutta niitä en voi vielä näyttää, jäävät siis myöhempään. Kiitos, kun piipahdit ja kiitos, jos kommentoit. Mukavaa alkavaa viikkoa! :)
Thank you for this wonderful surprise, Laura! :) I have made a couple of other cards during the weekend but I can't show them to you yet, you'll just have to wait a while ;) Thank you for popping by my blog and please feel free to leave a comment. Hope your week starts brilliantly! :)
2 kommenttia:
Ihania on kumpikin!!!! Minustakin tuo leimasin on tosi kiva. No, minä tykkään kyllä ihan hulluna kaikista Odd Bird Planetin leimasimista! :)
Voi vitsi, tosi hienoja :)
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