I made a couple of Valentine's day cards with my new DoodleFactory stamp (in Finland, Valentine's day isn't exactly a day for lovers, it's more a day to celebrate friends and friendships - hence the Finnish name "friend's day"). I didn't want to crowd Coco, so I kept the cards quite simple.

leimasin/rubber stamp: DoodleFactory: Coco; Finnstamper (the text says 'For a friend')
paperit/papers: BasicGrey: Lemonade
koristeet/embellishments: Fancy Pants; BasicGrey

Kortin ainekset/What the card ate:
samat kuin yllä paitsi paperit ovat BasicGreyn Offbeatia ja LilyKatea/otherwise as above, but the papers are BasicGrey's Offbeat and LilyKate.
Kiitos ajastasi tänään! :)
Thank you for spending a little time in my blog! :)
1 kommentti:
Ihania kortteja. Leimakuva on niin kiva ettei se kaipaakaan ympärilleen kauheasti hörhellyksiä.
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