These Christmas cards just keep on coming! :) But let them come, I say! I submit this first card to two challenges: Friday Sketchers and Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge. In the first the challenge is the sketch which you can find if you click on the link and in the second the challenge is to use 3 buttons, 2 design papers and 1 ribbon. The stamp I used is Whiff of Joy's Charlotte decorating Christmas tree which I coloured with Derwent watercolour pencils (haven't used them for ages!). I applied a little Gelly roll glitter pen to the star, the decorative garland and Charlotte's hair band. The papers are from the Happy Holidays set by Fancy Pants , buttons are by Woodware and the ribbon is from my stash.

Tällä toisella kortilla osallistun Sukkersöttin Sommer #4 luonnoshaasteeseen. Leimakuvana tässä on Whiff of Joyn Molly the Celebrating Sheep, jonka niinikään väritin vesivärikynillä. Paperit ovat samaa Fancy Pantsia, lisänä hieman punchinellaa ja dew dropseja. Kortti aukeaa "ylöspäin".
I submit this next card to Sukkersött's Sommer #4 sketch challenge. The stamp I used is Molly the Celebrating Sheep by Whiff of Joy and I coloured it with the watercolour pencils as well. Again the papers are by Fancy Pants, and I added some punchinella and dew drops. The text says 'Merry Christmas'. Sweet and simple!

Tänään on sitten viimeinen kesälomapäivä ja huomenna pitää taas töihin, voi kurjuutta! Kuinka neljä viikkoa voi mennä näin nopeasti?! Vaikkakaan eipä sitä oikein voi valittaa, kun vielä on työpaikka, jonne mennä, näinä aikoina kun se ei tunnu olevan aina niin varmaa. En siis valita, jään vain hiljaa kaipaamaan aamuja, joina voi nukkua pitkään..! ;)
So today is the last day of my summer hols and tomorrow I'm off to work again, oh woe is me! How can four weeks go by so fast?! Although I can't really complain as I still have a job to go to, these days it seems that you can't really take it for granted that you have a job, so I really should just count my blessings here. So no more complaining! (I'll just quietly miss the slow mornings when you can sleep for as long as you want to... ;) )
Mukavaa sunnuntaita ja uuden viikon alkua, kiitos, kun piipahdit. Jätä ihmeessä myös viestiä, että kävit, olisin siitä hyvin iloinen! :)
Have a great and relaxing Sunday, hope your week starts brilliantly! Thank you for your visit and please leave a message that you've been here, I would be ever so happy if you did! :)
11 kommenttia:
Gorgeous cards!! I have a surprise for you in my blog, take a look;)
Hugs, Camilla.
Kivoja kortteja kumpikin!!! minustakin on ollut kiva tehdä kortteja vaihteeksi.. ainakin aina silloin kun en stressaa :). Laitan sinun palkinnon pian postiin.. se on vieläkin täällä. huoh.
Ihania kortteja taas! Toi lammas varsinkin ;)
Mullakin loma loppuu ja huomenna pitäis muka töihin jaksaa aamulla lähteä... ;)
What gorgeous cards...and lovely images and papers!
Thanks for joining us this week on SCSC :)
Hugs Jane x
Oh gorgeous, She is just beautiful and the papers are perfect. And I love the bouncy sheep! Kim
Fantastic card, love the colour combo and image, you have used the recipe brilliantly! Thanks for playing along with at SCSC :) Donna x
Fabulous cards Sue, wonderful. hugs rachxx
Beautiful cards, they are both so sweet!
Erin x
So pretty, love the images. Thanks for taking part in this weeks SCSC!
gorgeous cards, thanks for joining us at scsc hugs Jill xx
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